Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha – Handsworth

The Gurdwara Sahib was built in the late 1970s under the spiritual guidance of Puran Singh and the leadership of Norang Singh. The Spiritual leadership of the jatha is now continued through the vision of Mohinder Singh. The gurdwara spans an area of about 25,000 square meters and the building is four stories high.

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ) is a faith-based charitable organisation that has grown from strength to strength on the back of a very deep commitment to community. It embodies the values of shared responsibility and the close knitting together of people who believe that there is considerable strength in unity. 

Drawing on the ideals of ‘Nishkam Sewa’ – selfless service, its members have embraced a Sikh faith based ethos that has at its core the principles of ‘sarbat da bhala’ – “may everyone prosper”. Spiritual EngagementInterfaithHeritage and Conservation

GNNSJ is dedicated to practicing and promoting nishkam (selfless) service. We endeavour to nurture good human beings through the practice of faith values. We promote the values of shared responsibility, selflessness, love, altruism, compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Listing Details

Post Code: B21 9BH
City: Birmingham
State: West Midlands
Country: United Kingdom