Alfred Holt and Company, trading as Blue Funnel Line, was a UK shipping company that was founded in 1866 and operated merchant ships for 122 years. It was one of the UK’s largest ship owning and operating companies. This company also operated in the Malaya region of Singapore-Malaysia-Indonesia. It operated in Jakarta at the Tanjung Priok harbor during the 1920s. There were around 20 security workers working for this company at the harbor and all of them were Sikhs.
In 1920s, the Sikhs from the company and also other families in Jakarta gathered every Sunday at the company quarters for Kirtan and Langgar. In 1925, these families decided to purchase a piece of land approximately 500 m2at Jl. Jepara No. 4, Tanjung Priok.
Money was collected from donation of the Sikh families that were living in Jakarta during those times and approximately 500 Guilder (Old Dutch Curency) was collected to purchase and build this first Gurdwara in Jakarta. The money was collected during Vasakhi celebration on 13th April 1925 and the first foundation for building was laid on 1st May 1925.
This holy shrine was named Guru Nanak Sikh Temple. The foundation of this Gurdwara was first build using wood and logs. The first President of this Gurdwara was Sardar Pratap Singh Ghali.
AllAboutSikhs is a comprehensive web site on sikhism, sikh history and philosophy, customs and rituals,sikh way of life, social and religious movements. Based on the belief in One God, the Sikh religion recognizes the equality of all human beings, and is marked by rejection of idolatry, ritualism, caste and asceticism. This website serves to heighten the awareness of Sikhism and hopefully can be of some use to seekers of knowledge.
SearchGurbani brings to you a unique and comprehensive approach to explore and experience the word of God. It has the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Amrit Kirtan Gutka, Bhai Gurdaas Vaaran, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Kabit Bhai Gurdas. You can explore these scriptures page by page, by chapter index or search for a keyword. The Reference section includes Mahankosh, Guru Granth Kosh,and exegesis like Faridkot Teeka, Guru Granth Darpan .
Encyclopedias encapsulate accurate information in a given area of knowledge and have indispensable in an age which the volume and rapidity of social change are making inaccessible much that outside one’s immediate domain of concentration.At the time when Sikhism is attracting world wide notice, an online reference work embracing all essential facets of this vibrant faithis a singular contribution to the world of knowledge.