Sikh Gurudwara – Secunderabad

Sikh Gurudwara at Secunderabad is situated at St. Mary’s road there. It is an age old Gurudwara in Hyderabad, ably managed by the Prabhandak Committees of Gurudwara Saheb, Secunderabad.

Sikhs of Secunderabad area patronize this Gurudwara, while time and again they celebrate the Birthday of Sri Guru Nanakji, every year in a grand manner, with many religious discourses called Kirtan Darbars and united action of charitable deeds, which are organized jointly by the Prabhandak Committees of Gurudwara Saheb Secunderabad and Gurudwara Sri Guru Sing Sabha of Afzalgunj.

Sikh Gurudwara Sahib at Secunderabad is located at 35.6 km distance from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamshabad, Hyderabad, which can be reached in about 50 minutes time. The Secunderabad Botikuda Railway Station is just a walking distance of 500m., while the Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station is about 10 km from the Gurudwara Sahib.

Listing Details

City: Secunderabad
State: Andhra Pradesh
Country: India
Post Code: 500003