Gurudwara Vidyasar Patshahi Satvin, Amargarh

Amargarh,village 3 km east of Goniana Mandi (SOMS`N, 74°54`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab, has an old shrine, Gurdwara Vidyasar Patshahi Satvin, dedicated to Guru Har Rai (1630-61) who, according to local tradition, visited the site during his stay at Bhokhari, since renamed Har Raipur. Amargarh was then called Jhablutti. The shrine was looked after by a line of Udasi priests until the early 20th century. The present building of the Gurdwara, constructed in 1912, comprises a divan hall with a verandah on three sides. The Gurdwara is managed by a committee of the local sangat.

Listing Details

City: Amargarh
State: Punjab
Country: India