In the 1920's, there was a small community of Sikhs in Batu Gajah who were employed in the various tin mines or were dairN farmers. These Sikhs built their Gurdwara Sahib, a single storey wooden building, in 1927, close to the site of the present Gurdwara Sahib. The Gurdwara Sahib land, was gazetted as a Sikh Temple reserve on 27th April 1928 as Grant Number 2429 LOT 29664. By the 1960s, this Gurdwara Sahib building had fallen into disrepair and was also too small for the growing Sikh Sangat.
In 1967, a building committee was formed to raise donations and build a new Gurdwara Sahib building. Sant Baba Sohan Singh Ji of Malacca laid the foundation stone on 19th June 1967. Tun Haji Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein, the then Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia officially declared this new Gurdwara Sahib building open on 28th April 1969. The cost of this Gurdwara Sahib building was RM180,000.00 out of which RM40,000.00 was donated by the Government. This Gurdwara Sahib was extensively renovated between 1990 and 1992.
Presently, there are about 70 Sikh students who study Gurmukhi in this Gurdwara Sahib every Saturday between 2.00p.m. to 6.00p.m.
The Management Committee comprises of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, their assistants and five committee members. Giani Ajaib Singh served as a Granthi here for nearly 27 years from 1960 to 1987. Presently, there are about 60 Sikh families in this area who participate in the religious activities of this Gurdwara Sahib. The normal weekly prayers are held on Sunday mornings from 6.30a.m. to 8.00a.m.
Sikh Gurudwaras in Malaysia&Singapore
Saran Singh Sidhu AMN,PNM,FRNS
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Encyclopedias encapsulate accurate information in a given area of knowledge and have indispensable in an age which the volume and rapidity of social change are making inaccessible much that outside one’s immediate domain of concentration.At the time when Sikhism is attracting world wide notice, an online reference work embracing all essential facets of this vibrant faithis a singular contribution to the world of knowledge.