Gurudwara Malji Sahib at Kangan Pur Distt Kasur

When Sat Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to establish this town the local people did not let him settle and pelted stones at him. At this Sat Guru said to’-these people “Wasdey Raho” (be settled) and departed from here. The wan tree under which he had lived was known by the Name of Mal Sahib, This tree is still there. departing from here he set his foot in the Village Manak De ke. The people of this Village gave him great honour and love, but Guru Dev cursed them to be scattered. Bhai Mardana Ji was surprised at this and asked: why those who gave you pain, you gave them your blessing of remaining settled. But you cursed these to be scattered who had honoured you. Gur Dev Ji said, “These people will spread virtue wherever they go after being scattered while the others will spread evil wherever they go. This is why it has been ordained for those to be settled and for these to be scattered.

Kangan Pur is still settled. A Gurdwara Sahib is built here. Its priests were Namdhari Sikhs. Now Prakash does not take place here. A fair used to held on the first of Chait.

According to the local legend that the descendants of those who had pelted stones at the Guru Dev suffer from gilhar (a throat related disease) and it is the only area in the whole of Punjab where people suffer from this ailment. Its building was constructed in 1939. It is in good condition even today but there is absolutely no maintenance.

At Mal Ji Sahib in Kanganpur of Kasur, it is believed that Guru Nanak came here with Bhai Mardana but the locals pelted stones at them. Seeing their behavior, Nanak gave them a blessing, “Wasde raho (stay united and settled here).” They moved ahead to another village where people welcomed Nanak and he said, “Khind jao” (Get scattered). When Bhai Mardana asked him the reason, Nanak said, “Good people will spread virtue wherever they will go while others will spread evil.”

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Country: Pakistan