Gurudwara Bhai Lalu Ji, Tatlay Aali

Gurdwara Bhai Lalu Ji is in Village Tatlay Aali of district Gujranwala. This Village is situated on the road going westward from Kamoke and the Gurdwara of Bhai Lalu Ji is in the center of the Village. It was built in 1939 AD through the effort of Bhai Lal Singh Ji and the funds of Sikh Sangats settled in Africa. The building is 3 storeyed and has domes. At present Government Primary School is housed in it. The building is strong but in the absence of maintenance its condition is deteriorating.

As can be seen, the gurdwara though solidly built, is currently in a very bad shape. we think that the construction work stopped before its completion. Because we saw no traces of plaster on the walls, or tiling on the floors. Nor any other kind of decoration. So most probably the gurdwara was still under construction when 47 struck it. At present, the gurdwara is totally abandoned and being used by the local people as a pen for their goats and buffaloes and storeroom for fodder.

Listing Details

Country: Pakistan