Gurdwara Sahib Alo Arakh Patshahi Nauvin, Alo Harakh

Alo Harakh, village in Sangrur district, has a historical shrine called Gurdwara Sahib Alo Harakh Patshahi Nauvin. A low domed Manji Sahib, under an old banyan tree marks the site where Guru Tegh Bahadur once sat arriving from the neighbouring village of Gunike. The congregation hall has a vaulting ceiling with a domed sanctum inside. Both the hall and the Manji Sahib were constructed in 1909. The Gurdwara is administered by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee through a local committee.

Large congregations are held on full moon day and on major anniversaries on the Sikh calendar. M.G.S. ALSUN, an obscure village in Himachal Pradesh, is alluded to in Guru Gobind Singh`s Bachitra Natak, canto IX, verse 24, as the site of a brief skirmish when the Guru was on his way back to Anandpur after the battle of Nadaun (March 1690). According to Sikh chroniclers, the Rajputs of Alsun were the subjects of Raja Bhim Chand of Kahlur and were therefore inimical towards Guru Gobind Singh.

They did not welcome the Guru and his Sikhs and were chastised by Diwan Nand Chand under orders from the Guru. The village of Alsun is no longer extant. A modern researcher, Narinjan Singh Sathi, has identified the site as present day village of Samaira, in Bangana subdivision of Una district, on the basis of local tradition. It is six kilometres from Bangana on the road to Una.

Listing Details

City: Sangrur
State: Punjab
Country: India